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Nice pic! who took the picture?? So it seems like you and I both did sonnet 18, and I think we both understood the value of imagery details that the writer provides us. Shakespeare in my belief is one of the most spectacular writers of all time. I think he provides the reader the details which make the poem come to life. Nice photo for a nice poem... :) <3 p.s. this is Mahek
i chose this picture in relation to sonnet 18, how Shakespeare describe the beauty of the women as a flower.
Nice pic! who took the picture?? So it seems like you and I both did sonnet 18, and I think we both understood the value of imagery details that the writer provides us. Shakespeare in my belief is one of the most spectacular writers of all time. I think he provides the reader the details which make the poem come to life. Nice photo for a nice poem... :) <3 p.s. this is Mahek